Friday, September 17, 2010

HGTV has nothing on us!

Whew!! We've been really busy fixing up "the Taylor house" for sale. You know, it's funny... we're finally doing all the things we wanted to do in order to fix the place up - just in time to sell it! The only exception to that is the addition of another bathroom. I'm sorry, but we just don't have the cash nor the motivation for that right now.

So far, we've:
* Painted the outside of the house
* Painted the shutters
* Painted the window sills
* Treated the windows
* Replaced the front porch
* Added and painted railing and bannisters on front porch and steps
* Painted the front door
* Painted the living room
* Painted the dining room
* Replaced the flooring in the kitchen
* Painted the laundry room
* Painted the hallway
* Painted the sunroom
* Painted the ceiling in the guest room
* Painted and re-caulked the bathroom
* Replaced the light fixtures in the dining room, laundry room, hallway, and sunroom

We still have to:
* Construct and paint railing for back patio/steps
* Quarter-round for kitchen
* Paint house numbers
* Check paint job in sunroom (cover?)
* Talk to Mr Cervenka about sunscreens
* Load to dump/recycle
* Clean, clean, clean!!!!

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