Thursday, February 4, 2010

Well, well... Look who's come crawling home

Last night, Kara, Adrianne, and I sat down and watched Julie & Julia. At least, I watched most of it until I fell asleep on the couch and Kara had to come wake me and take me to bed. I'm sure that the resonant snoring coming from my general direction made it difficult for others to hear the movie - so Kara's motivation in getting me to go to bed was probably not entirely selfless.

But I digress... The movie was about a tired NYC writer who decides she's going to blog her way through Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. 365 days and 521 recipes later, Julie (played in the movie by Amy Adams - of Enchanted fame) manages to cook all of Julia's recipes and attract a pretty healthy blog following as well. While I don't intend to suddenly begin cooking, nor do I have the delusion that a large number of people will begin reading this blog, I am somewhat motivated to be more diligent with my blogging.

I dunno. Perhaps it's a slightly narcissistic view of self-importance that drives me? Perhaps it's the desire to write my experiences and feelings out, thereby allowing myself to go back later and read them more objectively and enabling myself to make better sense out of them? Truthfully, I think it's just my little way of trying to enact some small amount of influence on the world around me through sharing of my views. Hopefully, regularly writing down feelings and experiences will enable me to THINK more about my life and ACT instead of simply REACT.

I must close now, because I've taken more than the original 5 mins of work-time that I wanted to devote to this - however, we may be seeing more posts here soon. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Amy said...

you are pretty bad about updating your blog!