Sunday, November 30, 2008

Family Gathering

So... this weekend was Kara's first trip to Houston to meet the Cupitts. We stayed Friday night at Brandon and Beth's place and spent the first part of the morning playing with Will and Abby. Will is now known as Kara's "Itty Bitty Boyfriend". He's gonna be a lady killer someday!! On Saturday afternoon, we went over to Beth's new loft/office space in d-town H-town. It's a fantastic place!! Kara is in love. I'm gonna have to fight off the loft bug in her now... LOL!! Actually, we've talked for about the past year about going in on a loft or small apartment downtown. There's definitely still a possibility to make that a reality at some point.

Saturday evening, we went over to Sean and Amy's place and had dinner with all the kids. Then, we got to hang out with Stephen and Joshua. They are so cute!!! Some people in the family have dubbed Stephen as the "Felix Unger" of the family. He's very rule-dedicated and expects everything to be a very certain way. But he's the cutest Felix I can imagine. He ran around for part of the night with a bottle opener that plays the "Eyes of Texas" - Sean and I gave him a bottle cap that he used to complete the circuit. I'm sure he wore out the battery! Then, Joshua(aka Baby Peanut) has the biggest smile in the world! I swear he smiles from ear to ear!

Overall, I think the trip went very well. We didn't get to hang out with Mom and Dad at lunch because Kara started feeling ill and we had to get on home... but everything with the kids seems to have gone off very well!! YAY!