Thursday, October 2, 2008

Long time - second blog

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't follow through on my promises with becoming a blog-aholic. However, I wanted to write one in here and let you all know what's going on in my life.

So... where to start? On Sunday, I'm going to Panama for a week and then to Brazil for a week - both for work, of course. I enjoy the travel, but MAN things always seem to get backed up here at home whenever I'm gone for that long. I'll meet in Brenham on Saturday to drop Luka off with him - that's a HUGE help to have Mom and Dad watch him while I'm out of town. I can't even imagine how much money I would have spent on doggie daycare!

One of my neighbors will be taking care of Koshka. Of course, there's not much to do with a cat who doesn't even use a litter box!

For those of you who know me pretty well, you'll know who Kara is. We've had an on-again, off-again relationship for almost 7 months. Well, it has been more off than on, but that's a different story... Kara's moving to Arkansas during my deployment overseas, so I'm a little bummed about that, but I think it'll be a good move for both her and me. The distance will either make the heart grow fonder, or will let us move on with our own lives.